
255 Audio Reviews

158 w/ Responses

This is a NGADM Round 1 Review.


- Fantastic, relaxing and atmospheric intro.
- Thoughtful lyrics.
- Great guitar work!
- Mixture of singing/rapping.

Really enjoyed the intro, the guitar and pads create a very atmospheric and relaxed energy that persists throughout the song. Your lyrics are thoughtful and carries a powerful message; well done! The guitar work throughout the track is great, I thought your solo work suited the song perfectly.

What to consider:
- Vocals fall a little flat on times.
- The mix could be tidied up, especially near the end of the track (2:41 - 3:26).
- Rap vocals sit in a slightly different space in the mix.
- The song's conclusion ("It is not me!") which starts at 2:41, lasts too long.

The vocals waver from time to time. I think practicing some breathing exercises and doing some vocal warm-ups prior to singing/recording would help tremendously! The mix becomes cluttered during the song's conclusion, I think there is a little too much going on between the drums, vocals, etc. Furthermore, as mentioned above, the conclusion itself sounds a little dragged out. That being said, the more I listen to it, the more it sounds right. I am pretty conflicted over what to think about it haha!

A great entry overall, and with some tweaking, it would be that much better. Keep it up, Divo! :)

Score: 7.6/10

This is a NGADM Round 1 Review.


- Extremely interesting use (and variety of) instruments (harmonica, didgeridoo, banjo, etc.)
- Varied thematic material; gave me sense of wonder and adventure!
- The entire second half of the track sounded very pretty and wondrous.

I've always had a keen respect for the use of instruments in your tracks. You always find creative ways to implement different sounds, all of which end up sounding at home with each other. Case in point, the didgeridoo blends well with the harmonica, banjo and organ. Awesome.

I want to focus on the latter half of the track first; it has such an otherworldly feel about it. Very atmospheric, very adventurous, and even mystical. In some ways, I feel that this would have made for a better introduction, because it instantly captures the listeners' attention.

What to consider:
- The first half of the track is somewhat empty sounding when compared to second half.
- Concerning the above note, the track really feels like two tracks that were arranged separately and then mixed together.
- The harmonica (as mentioned by TaintedLogic) does sound a little harsh. Granted, it does give the song its tone and atmosphere.

As mentioned above, the first half of the track sounds kind of empty. I think that it doesn't quite have a sense of space. By adding some reverb to all of the instruments, especially the harmonica, would work incredibly well. The two halves of the track are separated as if they are two completely different songs. On one hand, this is pretty neat as it allows for a diverse track, on the other, it breaks immersion.

I think that by adding some more texture, dynamics, and harmonic content to the first half and by bridging the atmospheric gap at 1:29 would make this track even better. Keep it up, SourJovis! :)

Score: 7.5/10

This is a NGADM Round 1 Review.


- Excellent guitar riff!
- Nice breaks!
- Electric/synth combination works well.

Solid introduction, we jump right into the action! That break at 0:30 FELT right, it was like I expected it to happen (which was pretty cool)! The electric guitar and the synth balance each other out quite well. The gritty, energetic sound blends remarkably with the softer, gentler sound of the synth. I would have liked to hear more of this!

What to consider:
- Percussion needs more presence, more 'kick', if you'd like!
- The mix, as you've mentioned, needs to be tidied up.
- The song is structured around a single idea (albeit a good one), so it needs to be fleshed out more.

The percussion definitely needs to hold a larger presence in the track, especially when it comes to a metal approach. In fact, I think the same could be said for the bass. As for the mixing, I won't beat a dead horse, so all I'll say is that things sound kind of distorted (especially the drums). Just keep an eye on your levels and practice EQ'ing.

Finally, I think that the track could use more variety. You've centered everything around that guitar riff, and while it is one heck of a riff, the rest of the song falls a little short because it seems it is built around the riff. By developing your melodies and making changes in the song's structure more often, this track would really shine!

Keep at it! :)

Score: 7.8/10

larrynachos responds:

I'm glad you found the sounds in this song somewhat enjoyable! I really like the combo of guitars and synths, and I plan on using it in future metal songs.

I agree with you that the percussion needs more presence, but I'm not sure about the bass. A lot of people tell me I crank the bass up too much, so this time I tried to keep it moderate.

I definitely think the one thing I need to improve on is variety. I did try to break it up with the structural relief at 1:42 (which ended up being my favorite part of the song), but I guess that wasn't enough, huh?

Thanks for the review!

This is a NGADM Round 1 Review.


- Hot damn, this is catchy!
- Crisp, clean piano.
- Decent mix.
- Great atmosphere!

Excellent start, you had me moving from the beginning until the very end of the track. You build up the track a little slowly, but I think it is quite effective. By 0:55, I was really intrigued as to what else you would incorporate in order to keep building things. As mentioned above, the piano is super crisp and the heavy reverb works quite well here. The 'stuttering' choir was a nice touch, too! All of these things allowed the track to hold a spacious atmosphere, and I really dig that!

What to consider:
- Repetitive, repetitive, repetitive -- needs more variety.
- A little lacking in melodic content.

I know that tracks in the trance genre are generally meant to have more of a repetitious nature, but I still think that this track could use some more melodic content in order to keep the listener tuned in and interested. That being said, I also think that there could have been periods where the melody was brought out a bit more. You do a very nice job of presenting texture and dynamics when you introduce the piano, but it is only heard a handful of times. I would have really liked to hear more of the piano throughout.

Great track, keep it up! :)

Score: 8.3/10

This is a NGADM Round 1 Review.


- Excellent use of 8-bit/chip samples!
- Cool transition at 1:22!
- Lots of variety.
- Decent mix.
- Catchy!

I really dig the combination of those 8-bit sounds with the 'modern' synths (a la 1:06)! The transition at 1:22 was quite surprising, and a welcome one at that. The song definitely took an interesting turn from this point on, and honestly it was at this point that I was like "this needs to be in a game ASAP." Anyway, the track is pretty darn catchy and the while the mix could use some tidying up here and there, it's solid and clean!

What to consider:
- The chip percussion remains almost entirely unchanged throughout much of the track.
- The transition (while I liked it) was definitely a little sudden.
- Some mixing issues -- nothing serious.

The chip percussion remains essentially the same throughout most of the track. Perhaps by altering the pattern a little bit, replacing, or removing certain kicks, hats or otherwise would make for a more interesting listen. As mentioned, I really liked the transition, I felt like it was almost brought in at the right time -- as TaintedLogic mentioned, tempo automation would work well here!

Keep it up! :)

Score: 7.8/10

Mawnz responds:

Thanks for the input! I'm too comfortable with sticking to just one beat with the drums I think so it's good that you mention it as a weak point. It could be a tiny alternation that could spice things up and make a track more interesting so I'll keep that in mind in the future!

Thanks again!

This is a NGADM Round 1 Review.


- Cool intro; the chip synths and percussion transition well into the heavier mix.
- Nice break at 0:58.
- Effective beat; great use of samples.

This track reminds me of Deadmau5 with a sprinkle of Daft Punk and a dash of TRON. I really dig the blend of the chip synths and the heavier samples you used to implement the kick, hats and bass. The arpeggiated synth is effective in keeping everything tied together, and it sets the pace quite nicely, however...

What to consider:
- Quite repetitive -- needs some more variety!
- Melody needs more development.

In terms of overall composition, this track is pretty repetitive (the ideas and a strong foundation are all present, however!). At 1:36, the track simply begins over from the beginning -- though, I like how you make things sound more and more hectic at 2:34. Furthermore, there really isn't much of a melody besides the arpeggiated synth. Perhaps you could try playing around with adding another instrument to play off of the synth and bass in order to create an engaging pattern!

Score: 7.9/10

This is a NGADM Round 1 Review.


- Excellent vocals (aside from the mix).
- Cool lyrics and a GREAT chorus!
- Super catchy and quite memorable.
- Loved the break at 2:59!

I was really impressed by the way you blend each instrument; the guitar riffs and the bass sound particularly nice! Also, your lyrics are incredibly clever and meaningful. To be quite honest, if the mix was tidied up a bit, I wouldn't be surprised to hear this track on the radio.

What to consider:
- The biggest issue with this track is the mixing. Everything sounds washed out and partially distorted -- especially the vocals and drums and ESPECIALLY at 2:26 to 2:58!
- Odd audio clipping/distortion at 2:08 and 2:10 (drum crashes?).

Alright, the mix could use work. I've already said things sound distorted and slightly washed out. But, good news -- there are a few ways that you can fix it up! Watch your instrument levels while you go about the mixing process. Are they hitting a ceiling above 0 dB? If that is the case, scale back your volume levels and if you are using samples for your drums, try editing the velocity of different notes. In terms of EQ, there are certain frequencies you can cut in order to make instruments or samples sound far more clean and in some ways realistic. It really depends on the instrument! If you're using compression or any mastering plugins, then be careful of how much you crank up the gain, attack, etc.

If you have any questions about mixing at all, feel free to send me a PM. I'll share (what little) I know haha! Keep it up Jacob, I'd love to hear more tracks with this sort of sound. :)

Score: 7.9/10

This is a NGADM Round 1 Review.


- Great intro (love that synth)!
- Super clean snaps, super bass.
- Great vocals.
- Awesome variety (3:09, 3:39)!
- Excellent use of 'Angels With Filthy Souls' (4:34). Loved that.

I have to say, this track has A LOT going for it. I would go as far to say that it's one of the more creative pieces that I've listened to throughout the NGADM. The intro is solid, and that synth that you bring in at 0:16 sounds wonderful. As stated above, you guys showcase some great vocals here. There were a few times that some notes were a tad flat, but otherwise nice work. I have to reiterate that I LOVED the 'Angels With Filthy Souls' plug -- especially the transition smooth at 4:40 with the gun layering effect.

What to consider:
- Some mixing issues -- ex: introduction of vocals could have been brought out in the mix.
- The 'record crackle' was a nice touch, but it overstays its welcome.
- I loved the variety in the latter half of the track, but a little more could be sprinkled around the first half of the track!

The record crackling was a cool addition, though I think it should have faded out far sooner than it did at 1:22. The first half of the track was really catchy, though compared to the energy and variety of the latter half of the track, it stands out as just a bit drab. Honestly though, it is still excellent!

Keep at it you guys! I always look forward to hearing what you cook up with your imaginations.

Score: 8/10

This is a NGADM Round 1 Review.


- Great build-up.
- Great lyrics.
- Excellent guitar work (as always)!
- Love those solos (1:05 & 2:15)!
- Excellent blend of acoustic/electric.
- Snappy, clean percussion and soft exhales.

I think this is one of your better tracks, Ceevro my friend. Clean, full of raw, soulful performance and generally a great listen. The blend of acoustic and electric guitars work splendidly in this piece; the acoustic backing during those electric solos makes for an interesting combo/perspective (in terms of the lyrics and my interpretation of the song).

What to consider:
- Electric portions sound just a tad uneven in the mix.
- That subtle humming in the background could be brought out a little more.

The electric guitar works incredibly in this track, but it overpowers other elements of the track at times, especially during the solos. This brings me to my next point -- the humming that we hear at 1:27 and 2:13. I can just barely make it out, and I think that if the volumes were brought up just a bit more, it would sound perfect! Honestly though, these are more or less nitpicks on my part; I really enjoyed the track!

Excellent work, keep it up!

Score: 8/10

NGAUC Review

First off, my apologies for the EXTREMELY late review -- but, better late than never!

What worked well:
- Interesting, often captivating composition.
- Good mixing.
- Great progression!

I love the introduction, it sounds so very methodical yet boundlessly artistic. Such is classical music, I suppose! I honestly have very little to say here. The mixing was quite good -- everything was clear and easy to listen to/pick out. Also, the composition in general was a real treat to listen to!

What to consider:
- Moog sound worked as a double-edged sword.
- Mostly just a chord progression; further use of dynamics would help!

The intro of the Moog sound at 1:41 was both a pleasant surprise, and just a bit off-putting. I'm torn on whether it is awesome or if it would be best to implement it in another way. As a result, I think it works as a double-edged sword. It both works and does not. That being said, I think it added flavor to the piece all the same.

I understand that you wrote this with a goal in mind (and you accomplished that goal wonderfully), but emotionally and thematically this piece is rather dry. The section from 1:06 - 1:41 sounds quite triumphant, though the rest of the piece is a chord progression through and through. Again, you were working towards a goal, and I always keep that in mind when reviewing so it wasn't that big of a deal. It would have been nice to hear some soaring strings and the piano working together to create more of an emotional response though!

Great piece of music! I would like to hear this mocked up with greater tension and perhaps more melodic content, but otherwise, wonderful job. Keep it up!

Score: 9/10

Phonometrologist responds:

Love your review and I agree with all the criticisms about it. Especially the Moog choice and how I implemented it. It's much easier to handle when I can let go of trying to tame it. It tends to make the piece sound a bit chaotic which I can learn to love about this. I've discovered that initial vision and making it reality is the hardest part in music. It could've been so much more, but I mistakenly expected and tried doing this for a contest with limited time. Based on your comment on a lack of melodic content, I think you found out in this piece that I really care for chord progressions more than I do for melody. Thank you for your words!

Hey there, my name's Brandon. I'm a composer, producer, and audio engineer. If you happen to like anything I have made, or have any questions about using my music in a project, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I hope you have a good day!

Age 33, Male


Joined on 8/3/11

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